💡✍️ADN #072: Creativity Faucet

adn072 artist development artist development newsletter creative writing creativity creativity faucet songwriting Apr 07, 2024

Hey Friends -

Last week, we explored Mirror Writing.

You can re-read last week’s newsletter here if you want to refresh.

Today, The Creativity Faucet.

Let’s go — ->

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I recently stumbled across this 45-second clip of Ed Sheeran on YouTube, and it resonated with my experiences with songwriting, performing, and business.

He speaks about the creativity faucet.

You must get the grime out of the faucet to get to greatness.

Do you know when you turn on the sink for the first time in a while, the water comes out a little funky?

The same thing happens when you are learning to write and perform.

Simply put, this is the art of practice.

You may be naturally gifted at something, but you’ll never be consistently great without putting in the reps.

Once you get through the gunk, you get to the good.

Julian Shapiro wrote about this concept on his blog and noted:

  • Your work starts as a weak imitation
  • You identify what makes the imitation weak
  • You iterate the imitation until it’s original

“Most creators resist their bad ideas then never reach the clear water.

If you’ve opened a blank document, scribbled a few thoughts, then walked away because you weren’t struck with gold, then you too never got past it.”

The point?

You must push through the bad to reach the good.

Tap your creativity faucet daily, and soon, you’ll have a clear stream of fresh ideas.

See you next Sunday!

Neil Mason

PS — If you haven’t checked it out, I created a 10-day writing course that teaches tips from great lyricists and will get your creativity faucet flowing.

It is called LYRIC COPY.

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When you’re ready, there are three more ways I can help you:

1. Promote yourself by sponsoring this newsletter.

2. Work with me 1:1 to grow your brand or business.

3. Lyric Copy — 10-day lyric writing course.


Subscribe to get tips and tricks to level up your skills.